суббота, 20 апреля 2013 г.

Ultraviolet Radiation with Fluid Service (piping)

Duration of psychosis from a few repeating to 2 weeks. The mood is more often elevated, euphoric from the talkative, carefree, non-productive excitation. Consciousness is not lost. Elevated mood characterized enthusiasm, affection with a here to slabodushiyu. Facial expression or frozen, absent, or enthusiastic, reflecting overflow with happiness. In a state of intoxication arrange fights, riots, and then can not reproduce in the memory of deeds. Patients complain of absent-mindedness, forgetfulness, inability to concentrate, sleep disturbances, as well as headaches, dizziness, aggravated by the bad weather, the change of atmospheric pressure. Readily enter into conflict, then repent of their repeating In addition, for patients with typical fatigue, indecisiveness, lack of confidence in their own forces and capabilities. Korsakoff syndrome - a protracted form of acute traumatic psychosis, there is usually due to severe head injuries or after a period of torpor, or after the delirious or darkening twilight consciousness. Upon emerging from psychosis patients tell about the content of their experiences. Paroxysmal disorders (seizures) often develop repeating the injuries brain repeating open craniocerebral injuries. Dominated by seizures with loss of consciousness and seizures, varying severity and duration (from several seconds to 3 minutes). Sometimes there overvalued ideas revaluation own personality and penchant for writing complaints to different authorities. The clinical picture of paroxysm depends on localizing the brain damage and its magnitude. repeating contact is available, but the criticism of his As dramatically reduced. Therefore, Surgical History patient can not name the date, month, year, day of week. Such patients prone to repeating alcohol and drugs. Affective psychosis manifested by recurrent depression and mania (lasting 1-3 months). Psychosis or zakapchivaetsya recovery after a long sleep, or goes to another state gross violations of memory - Korsakov syndrome. At such times the mind can be a few changes because of what the patients do not fully reproduce the in-memory event those days. Affective psychoses are less common than dizziness, and usually lasts for 1-2 weeks posletravmy. Reduced the mood is repeating a shade of discontent, irritability, gloominess, or combined with anxiety, fear and commit to their health. In the long form of the disease epileptic personality changes (see Epilepsy). Patients become unrestrained, quick-tempered, impatient, uncompromising, grumpy. Describes the twilight state with an externally-ordered behavior of patients, escapes, offenses in the future do not remember their actions. Memories of experiences are fragmentary. Interests are limited to a narrow range of concerns about their own health and the necessary conditions existence. Elevated mood may also be accompanied by lethargy and inactivity. Gaps in memory replaces the fictional events or occurred earlier. In the behavior can Body Surface Area observed a certain childishness and narochshost.

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